Hand #27: Charles Kassin Eliminated in 6th Place (CAD $89,000)

May 22, 2024

Photo: Charles Kassin

Tommy Nguyen raises under the gun to 250,000, Charles Kassin reraises from the cutoff to 755,000, and Nguyen reraises to 7,750,000, which is enough to put Kassin all in.

Kassin uses two Time Chips to tank for more than a minute before he calls all in for 3,975,000 with Diamond QClub Q.

Nguyen turns over Spade KClub K, and Kassin needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Diamond 10Diamond 4Diamond 2Spade ASpade 9, and Kassin flops a diamond flush draw, but improves no further. The pocket kings hold up for Nguyen to win the pot and eliminate Kassin in sixth place.

Tommy Nguyen  –  16,650,000  (133 bb)
Charles Kassin  –  Eliminated in 6th Place  (CAD $89,000)

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