Marc-Olivier Carpentier-Perrault Eliminated by Dongwoo Ko in 27th Place

May 20, 2024

Photo: Marc-Olivier Carpentier-Perrault

David Dongwoo Ko raises to 70,000 under the gun and Marc-Olivier Carpentier-Perrault calls in the big blind.

The flop comes Heart AHeart 9Diamond 9 and Ko bets 45,000. Carpentier-Perrault then raises to 160,000 and Ko calls.

The turn is the Club 3 and Carpentier-Perrault bets 325,000. Ko again calls and the Spade 4 falls on the river.

Carpentier-Perrault then moves all in for around 800,000 and Ko snap-calls. Carpentier-Perrault shows Heart 10Heart 7 for a missed flush draw and Ko turns over Spade 9Spade 8 for trip nines to send Carpentier-Perrault to the rail.

David Dongwoo Ko- 9,700,000 (323 bb)
Marc-Olivier Carpentier-Perrault- eliminated in 27th place (CAD $20,500)

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