Tony Dunst Eliminated by Baseem Nsier in 34th Place

May 20, 2024

Photo: Tony Dunst

Baseem Nsier raises to 60,000 under the gun and Maxime Theroux calls in the cutoff. Tony Dunst then moves all in for 350,000 on the button, Nsier calls, while Theroux gets out of the way.

Tony Dunst: Heart ADiamond K
Baseem Nsier: Spade AClub Q

Dunst has Nsier dominated as the flop comes Spade 9Spade KSpade 6 to give him top pair, while Nsier picks up a flush draw. The Diamond 9 turn keeps Dunst in the lead, but Nsier catches the Spade J on the river to make his flush and send Dunst to the rail in 34th place.

Baseem Nsier- 2,700,000 (90 bb)
Tony Dunst- eliminated in 34th place (CAD $17,700)


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