James Pillon Eliminated by Hasanain Al Ghunaim

May 19, 2024

James PillonPhoto: James Pillon

After two limps, James Pillon opens to 26,000 from the big blind and both players call to see the flop of Heart QClub JHeart 7

Pillon continues for 40,000 and is called only by Hasanain Al Ghunaim and they go heads-up to the turn Club 5

Pillon then moves all in for around 150,000 and Al Ghunaim thinks about it for close to 30 seconds before he tosses out calling chips. 

Pillon confidently flips over Heart ASpade Q, thinking he has the best hand with top pair, top kicker, but then Al Ghunaim rolls over Heart JSpade 7 for a flopped two-pair. 

“This guy…” Pillon mutters and shakes his head as the river falls the Club K to send him to the rail. 

Hasanain Al Ghunaim – 860,000 (143 bb)
James Pillon – Eliminated

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