Laetitia Jeancolas Runs Into Artur Tahiri's Aces

May 19, 2024

Photo: Artur Tahiri

Laetitia Jeancolas moves all in for 49,000 in early position, Artur Tahiri reshoves for around 60,000 in middle position, and the rest of the table folds.

Laetitia Jeancolas: Heart JSpade 10
Artur Tahiri: Spade AHeart A

“Still alive, a tablemate tells Jeancolas after the Heart QDiamond JClub 3 flop gives her a pair. The rest of the board runs out Diamond 5Club Q and Jeancolas doesn’t improve as she is sent to the rail.

Artur Tahiri- 120,000 (24 bb)
Laetitia Jeancolas- eliminated

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