Maxime Duhamel Picks Up Aces to Double Off Weitouxin Wu

May 18, 2024

Photo: Maxime Duhamel

Maxime Duhamel is all in for his last 117,000 from under the gun and Weitouxin Wu puts him at risk from early position.

Maxime Duhamel: Club ASpade A
Weitouxin Wu: Diamond QClub Q

Duhamel is far ahead with his aces and finishes with a full house on the Club 4Heart 3Diamond 3Diamond 5Heart A board to earn the massive double up.

According to the table, Duhamel had two black kings the previous hand.

Maxime Duhamel- 240,000 (170 bb)
Weitouxin Wu- 80,000 (40 bb)

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