Xuan Liu Eliminated by Gaurav Sood

May 16, 2024

Xuan Liu
Photo:  WPT Global Ambassador Xuan Liu

Xuan Liu was in the big blind when she lost a pot to be knocked all the way down to 500 — a literal chip and a chair, and she was immediately forced all in for her small blind.

Gaurav Sood raises from the hijack to 3,000, Matthew Metallic reraises from the button to 8,000, and Sood calls.

There is 3,500 in the main pot (which Liu qualifies for to potentially septuple up), and another 16,000 in the side pot. Any further betting will go into the side pot.

Both players check to the turn on a board of Club AClub 7Diamond 6Club 2, Sood bets 12,000, and Metallic folds. Sood takes the pot.

Liu shows Club QHeart 10 for a queen-high flush draw, and Sood turns over Heart 2Diamond 2 for a set of deuces. Liu needs a non-six club on the river to stay alive, but the river card is the Heart 4. Sood wins the pot with his set of deuces to eliminate Liu.

Gaurav Sood  –  123,000  (82 bb)
Xuan Liu  –  Eliminated

Gaurav Sood
Photo:  Gaurav Sood

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