Hossein Cheraghi vs. Vaughn Steeves

May 16, 2024

After a flop of Diamond JHeart 9Spade 4, Vaughn Steeves checks from middle position, Hossein Cheraghi bets 7,000 from the button, and Steeves calls.

The turn card is the Club 10, Steeves bets 3,000, Cheraghi raises to 8,000, and Steeves calls.

The river card is the Diamond 9, and both players check. Steeves shows Spade KSpade 10 for two pair, tens and nines, but Cheraghi turns over Spade QSpade J to win the pot with a higher two pair, jacks and nines.

Hossein Cheraghi  –  106,000  (133 bb)
Vaughn Steeves  –  79,000  (99 bb)

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