Michael Mellor Doesn't Believe Van Tam Ho

May 14, 2024

Van Tam HoPhoto: Van Tam Ho

After Michael Mellor raises under-the-gun, he’s called by Van Tam Ho in the big blind.

The flop comes Spade KHeart KDiamond 4 and Ho check-calls a bet of 8,000 from Mellor.

As the dealer places the Heart Q on the turn, Ho immediately spikes his stack of 23,500 into the middle, sending Mellor into the tank.

Mellor thinks for over a minute before making the call to put Ho at risk, but he’ll need help.

Van Tam Ho: Spade AClub A
Michael Mellor: Spade 10Diamond 10

The dealer completes the board with the Club J and Ho earns himself a double-up with his sneakily played aces which Mellor acknowledges after the hand.

“I didn’t f***in’ believe you. You just flatted me preflop.”

Van Tam Ho – 72,000 (60 bb)
Michael Mellor – 43,000 (35 bb)

Michael MellorPhoto: Michael Mellor

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