Alon Messica Misclicks; Busts Dustin Melanson

May 13, 2024

Alon MessicaPhoto: Alon Messica

On a heads-up flop of Spade 3Spade 6Heart 8, Dustin Melanson bets 29,000 and Alon Messica tries to call, but accidentally tosses in the wrong chips, signifying a raise. After the floor rules that it is in fact a min-raise to 58,000, Melanson moves all in for 138,000, sending Messica deep into the tank. 

After almost two minutes, he sets out his stack of chips to make the call, putting Melanson at risk.

“Nice call,” Melanson admits as he tables Spade ASpade Q for a flush draw while Messica rolls over Heart QSpade Q for the lead. 

The runout of Club 2Heart 7 provides neither an ace or a spade for Melanson and he is sent to the rail. 

Alon Messica – 325,000 (65 bb)
Dustin Melanson – Eliminated


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