Daniel Boisvert Earns a Massive Double in "Weird" Spot

May 13, 2024

Michael Levy raises to 7,000 in the hijack and receives three callers, including Daniel Boisvert in the big blind.

The flop comes Diamond AHeart 3Spade 9 and Levy bets 15,000. Boisvert raises to 30,000 and Levy moves all in.

Boisvert tanks for several minutes until another tablemate calls the clock. He eventually tosses Heart ASpade 3 into the middle of the table.

“You got away with murder,” a tablemate tells Levy, who stands up to collect the pot.

“He called,” another tablemate points out, and the dealer confirms that Boisvert indeed calls for his last 105,000.

“What are you wasting my time for? That’s the easiest call ever,” Levy says as he shows Spade ADiamond K.

“I thought you had aces,” Boisvert replies.

“Then fold. It’s impossible to have aces there,” Levy adds.

The board runs out Club QDiamond 4 and Boisvert doubles up with his two pair, leaving Levy on an extreme short stack.

“Such a weird pot,” Levy says after the hand.

Daniel Boisvert- 220,000 (73 bb)
Michael Levy- 2,000 (0 bb)

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