Hand #41: Zoei-Jou Yuan Eliminated in 5th Place (CAD $26,500)

May 13, 2024

Zoei-Jou Yuan
Photo:  Zoei-Jou Yuan

HAND #41  –  Andryian Rasulufuniryna raises under the gun to 500,000, Zoei-Jou Yuan moves all in from the small blind for about 3,000,000, and Rasulufuniryna calls with Spade KDiamond K.

Yuan turns over Spade ADiamond Q, and she needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Spade QSpade JSpade 9Diamond 9Diamond 6, and Yuan flops a pair of queens and a higher spade flush draw, but she improves no further. Rasulufuniryna wins the pot with his pocket kings to eliminate Yuan in fifth place.

Andryian Rasulufuniryna  –  11,000,000  (44 bb)
Zoei-Jou Yuan  –  Eliminated in 5th Place  (CAD $26,500)

Zoei-Jou Yuan
Photo:  Zoei-Jou Yuan

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