Nicolas Majdalani Hits an Ace to Bust Manuel Fernandez

May 13, 2024

Roy Rochette raises to 1,600 in middle position before Nicolas Majdalani three-bets to 4,100 in the cutoff. Manuel Fernandez then moves all in for 16,000 in the small blind, Rochette folds, while Majdalani calls.

Manuel Fernandez: Club QSpade Q
Nicolas Majdalani: Club AHeart Q

Fernandez is ahead with his queens, but Majdalani hits the Spade 10Club 2Spade A flop and makes top pair to leave Fernandez drawing to just one out.

The rest of the board comes Spade 7Diamond 2 and Fernandez is sent to the rail.

Nicolas Majdalani- 110,000 (138 bb)
Roy Rochette- 30,000 (38 bb)
Manuel Fernandez- eliminated

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