Vadim Rozin Takes Out Kambiz Zamani

May 12, 2024

Vadim Rozin raises to 5,500 in the hijack and Cody Raymond calls on the button. Kambiz Zamani moves all in for 38,000, Rozin reshoves, and Raymond folds.

Kambiz Zamani: Heart 9Spade 9
Vadim Rozin: Heart ASpade K

The flop comes Club AClub 8Club 10 to give Rozin top pair and the lead, while the rest of the board runs out Heart 5Heart Q to send Zamani to the rail.

“I have 300,000. Is that chip leader?” tablemate Jonathan Garnea asks after the hand. This table also includes Abel Ouellet-Clark, who is also on a big stack.

Vadim Rozin- 85,000 (43 bb)
Jonathan Garnea- 300,000 (150 bb)
Abel Ouellet-Clark- 190,000 (95 bb)
Cody Raymond- 170,000 (85 bb)
Kambiz Zamani- eliminated

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