Danny Marx Calls Glenn Difurio's Bluff

May 6, 2024

Glenn Difurio opens to 120,000 and gets one call from Danny Marx to see a flop of Spade QHeart JHeart 9

The action goes check-check and the players continue to the Spade 5 turn which sees a bet of 125,000 from Marx and a call from Difurio. 

The river falls the Heart 10 and Marx checks to Difurio, who bets 230,000, sending Marx into the tank. 

After shaking his head vigorously while using two time-banks, Marx finally tosses out the chips to make the call. 

“Eh, you probably got me,” Difurio sighs as he flips over Diamond 4Diamond 5 for just a pair of fives. Marx then tables Diamond 8Club 10 for a flopped straight to take down the pot. 

“You’ve got more heart than me, sir, almost got me off of it,” Marx tells Difurio as he rakes in the pot. 

Danny Marx – 1,700,000 (28 bb)
Glenn Difurio – 150,000 (3 bb)

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