Anthony Zinno Over Nick Pupillo

May 5, 2024

Nick Pupillo raises to 40,000 from the cutoff, Stephen Seffence calls in the small blind, and Anthony Zinno calls in the big blind.

The flop is Club 7Diamond 6Club 4 and action checks to Pupillo who continues for 100,000. Seffence folds and Zinno calls.

The turn is the Diamond 8, Zinno bets 125,000, and Pupillo calls.

The river is the Spade A, Zinno bets 175,000, and Pupillo uses a time extension before he calls.

Zinno shows Club KClub 5 for an eight-high straight, Pupillo mucks, and Zinno wins the pot.

Anthony Zinno  –  1,600,000  (80 bb)
Nick Pupillo  –  530,000  (27 bb)

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