Aces vs. Kings: Collin King Knocks Out a Player

May 3, 2024

Collin King raises from middle position to 2,000, the cutoff calls, and the player on the button reraises to 12,800. King thinks for a while before he four-bets all in for 53,600.

The cutoff folds, and the player on the button waits for the exact count before he calls all in for about 52,000 with Diamond KClub K, but his expression makes it clear that he thinks he’s behind.

Sure enough, King turns over Diamond AClub A.

The board comes Spade 9Heart 9Heart 8Diamond 4Heart 6, and the aces hold up for King to win the pot and eliminate the player on the button.

Collin King  –  109,000  (218 bb)

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