Roller Coaster Day for Jason Anand

Apr 22, 2024

In three-way action to the Club 8Heart 8Diamond 7Diamond 2 turn, Jason Anand bets 275,000 in the big blind and Gary Shu calls in the cutoff, Joshua Duce folds on the button. Anand bets another 400,000 on the Club 5 river and Shu then jams for 1,465,000.

Anand uses two time banks and folds, drops to around 850,000. He then doubles through Duce shortly after when the latter barrels through a board in which Anand’s king-queen hit a queen and prevail against pocket fives.

Gary Shu – 3,400,000 (68 bb)
Jason Anand – 2,200,000 (44 bb)
Joshua Duce – 400,000 (8 bb)

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