Gavin Best Eliminated by Andres Vasquez

Apr 21, 2024

Andres Vasquez

Gavin Best raises to 240,000 and keeps 10,000 chips behind. Andres Vasquez then pushes all-in and Best maximises his available time as short stack by asking for a count on the shove. Vasquez’ all-in is for 1,370,000 and Best stares down the tournament info board until the pay jump is secured before calling it off.

Gavin Best: Spade 5Club 5
Andres Vasquez: Spade AHeart K

The board runs out Diamond ADiamond 3Club 2Heart 3Club J and that spells the end for Best.

Andres Vasquez – 1,750,000 (70 bb)
Gavin Best – Eliminated in 72nd Place (AUD$5,750 / ~ USD 3,691)

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