Gavin Best Triples Up; Jon Peter Rounce-Sue Busts

Apr 21, 2024

Gavin Best raises to 90,000 with 5,000 behind on a pay jump and Jon Peter Rounce-Sue does so for 300,000 with 10,000 behind. Gary Shu calls the larger three-bet and Best uses some time bank extensions, waiting to see if he makes the pay jump before calling all-in.

On the Heart AHeart 5Heart 3 flop, Shu tosses in two yellow chips and Rounce-Sue calls.

Gavin Best: Heart KSpade K
Jon Peter Rounce-Sue: Club ASpade 8
Gary Shu: Spade 8Club 8

Rounce-Sue is ahead with top pair but needs to dodge hearts and kings or the case eight of Shu. Best gets there with the Heart 7 turn and the Club 6 river is meaningless.

Best triples while Rounce-Sue loses the side pot to Shu.

Gary Shu – 2,700,000 (135 bb)
Gavin Best – 320,000 (16 bb)
Jon Peter Rounce-Sue – Eliminated

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