David Sebesfi Check-Calls and Catches The Bluff

Apr 21, 2024

Action folds around to the small blind David Sebesfi who limps then calls big blind Milan Mehta’s 36,000 raise. At the flop Club 7Heart 6Heart 2, Sebesfi check-calls Mehta’s 25,000 bet. Mehta fires again on the turn Heart K with a 60,000 bet, and Sebesfi calls. The river Club K, Sebesfi check-calls once more, this time a 125,000 bet, Mehta turns over Spade JClub 3 air, Sebesfi earns the pot with Club JClub 6

David Sebesfi – 540,000 (45 bb)
Milan Mehta – 76,000 (6 bb)

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