Antonios Fares Has Buntoeun Bok's Number

Apr 19, 2024

Antonio Fares  and Buntoeun Bok go head to head in two consecutive hands. First one, Fares limps from under the gun, small blind joins in, big blind Buntoeun Bok checks. At the flop Spade 2Heart 3Heart 9, Bok bets 800, Fares calls, small blind folds. The turn Heart 4 sees another 1,600 from Bok, Fares calls. The river Club 2 Bok triple barrels 2,500, Fares raises 5,700, Bok calls. Fares says “I rivered you” and shows the Diamond AHeart 2

Following that hand, action folds around to the small blind Bok who raises 1,000, big blind Fares calls. As the board completes Heart 7Diamond 6Club KHeart JSpade K, Fares snap-calls every street bet of 1,000, 2,000, and 2,800. Bok flips over Heart ADiamond A, Fares has him with Heart KDiamond Q trips. 

Antonios Fares – 62,000 (155 bb)
Buntoeun Bok – 46,000 (115 bb)

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