Amin Chehade Survives on the Bubble

Apr 19, 2024

Chip leader Joseph Pat takes a hit over on table 17 when he calls a three-bet to 42,000 by Marc Seymour. He then check-calls for 55,000 on the Club QClub 8Spade 6 flop before they check down the Heart QClub 7 runout.

Pat shows Diamond 9Spade 9 but Seymour has the superior pocket pair with Spade KHeart K.

One hand later, Amin Chehade jams for 103,000 and Tetsuya Tsujisaka calls from two seats over. They are flipping with Diamond JClub J versus Heart AClub K and the pair holds strong on a board of Heart 5Club 3Heart 2Heart 10Diamond 5.

Joseph Pat – 565,000 (71 bb)
Marc Seymour – 535,000 (67 bb)
Tetsuya Tsujisaka – 350,000 (44 bb)
Amin Chehade – 220,000 (28 bb)

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