Jackson Young Wins Three In A Row

Apr 19, 2024

Jackson Young

Jackson Young rushes winning three hands in a row. The first pot sees under the gun player raise, small blind Jackson Young and big blind Guy Perkins calls. All three check the flop Club 9Heart 4Diamond J. Young bets 3,000 on the turn Heart 5 and is called by both opponents. On the river Heart Q, Young sends out 8,500, only Perkins calls. Young shows Diamond KHeart 10 straight for the pot.

The next hand, Young raises, no callers. The third consecutive hand Young raises 2,500, big blind Armon Van Wijk calls, then both check it down Spade 5Heart 3Diamond 8Spade 3Heart 2. Young wins it with Heart KClub J.

Jackson Young – 93,000 (77 bb)

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