Paul Elliott Wins the Three-Way Showdown

Apr 19, 2024

Down under half starting stack, Paul Elliott catapults on a three-way showdown. Hand kicks off with raise from under the gun Tetsuya Tsujisaka, button Mitchel Reid three-bets 3,700, small blind Paul Elliott and Tsujisaka call. All three check the flop Heart 7Heart 10Club J for a free turn Diamond A. Elliott checks, Tsujisaka jams, Evans calls, Elliot joins in with the shortest stack. 

Tetsuya Tsujisaka Spade ADiamond 9
Paul Elliott Spade JHeart J
Mitchel Reid Heart ADiamond Q

The river comes Heart 2, Elliott ships a triple, Evans takes the side pot, Tsujisaka is eliminated.

Paul Elliott – 60,000 (100 bb)
Mitchel Reid – 65,000 (108 bb)
Tetsuya Tsujisaka – Eliminated

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