Hand #75: Andras Matrai Eliminated by Fabian Gumz in 4th Place (€40,000)

Apr 15, 2024

Andras Matrai
Photo: Andras Matrai

Hand #75 – Covering his two opponents in the blinds, Fabian Gumz raises to 6,000,000. Jozef Cibicek folds the small blind but Andras Matrai calls off for a bit over 4,000,000 from the big blind.

Andras Matrai: Diamond ASpade J
Fabian Gumz: Spade AClub 5

Gumz’s ace is dominated and in danger of doubling up Matrai.

The flop comes Club KDiamond 9Club 6 which is safe for Matrai. The turn Spade 7 though brings Gumz an added gutshot straight draw.

The dealer then places the Diamond 8 on the river to fill that gutshot and give Gumz a sizable chip lead, while eliminating Matrai  in rough fashion.

Fabian Gumz – 17,000,000
Andras Matrai – eliminated in 4th place (€40,000)

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