Hands #72-74: A Couple of Check-Raises

Apr 15, 2024

Hand #72 – Andras Matrai limps the small blind and gets raised to 900,000 by Maor Zaharagi in the big blind. Matrai folds.

Hand #73 – Matrai raises to 400,000 on the button and gets called by Fabian Gumz in the big blind.

The flop comes Club ADiamond KHeart 4 and Gumz checks.

Matrai bets 300,000 and Gumz check-raises to 850,000. Matrai folds.

Hand #74 – Maor Zaharagi raises to 400,000 on the button and gets a call from Josef Cibicek in the big blind.

Cibicek checks the Club KClub 7Heart 7 flop, and Zaharagi bets 300,000. Cibicek check-raises to 725,000 and Zaharagi folds.

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