Hands #51-52 Quads for Jozef Cibicek

Apr 15, 2024

Hand #51 – Jozef Cibicek limps the small blind and Andras Matrai checks his big blind.

The duo checks to the river of the Heart ADiamond 6Club 6Heart 9Spade 6 and Cibicek now bets 225,000. Matrai calls.

Cibicek shows Heart 8Heart 6 for quad sixes and the win.

Hand #52 – Jozef Cibicek raises to 300,000 on the button and gets called by Maor Zaharagi in the big blind.

They check the Spade 8Diamond 5Spade 3 flop, but on the Diamond 7 turn, Zaharagi leads for 400,000, which Cibicek calls.

They again check the Heart J river and Zaharagi proclaims “nine-high” and shows Heart 9Heart 2.

Cibicek shows Club AClub 4 which is good enough to take another pot.

Jozef Cibicek – 5,825,000 (38 bb)

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