Fabian Gumz Doubles Off Jozef Komorny

Apr 14, 2024

Jozef Komorny raises to 150,000 in the cutoff, Fabian Gumz moves all in for 320,000 on the button, and Komorny calls.

Fabian Gumz: Heart AHeart 6
Jozef Komorny: Heart 8Heart 7

“I like it. How about some hearts,” Gumz says as the board runs out Spade QDiamond KSpade 3Heart 5Heart 4 to earn him a double up with ace-high.

Iulian Tataru then shows Gumz he folded ace-jack in the big blind. “What? You didn’t fold that. He likes me,” Gumz says.

Fabian Gumz- 780,000 (13 bb)
Jozef Komorny- 1,350,000 (23 bb)

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