Arkadiusz Liszewski Eliminated by Alexey Mishuk in 17th Place (€7,200)

Apr 14, 2024

Photo: Arkadiusz Liszewski

Alexey Mishuk moves all in for 585,000 on the button and Arkadiusz Liszewski snap-calls for 500,000 in the big blind.

Arkadiusz Liszewski: Heart JSpade J
Alexey Mishuk: Club AClub 3

Liszewski is ahead with his jacks as the flop comes Diamond 8Spade KClub 6. The Club Q turn gives Mishuk a flush draw, and he completes his flush on the Club 8 river to send Liszewski to the rail.

The remaining 16 players are now drawing for seats at the final two tables.

Alexey Mishuk- 1,100,000 (22 bb)
Arkadiusz Liszewski- eliminated in 17th place (€7,200)

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