Ohad Freund Eliminated by Alexey Mishuk in 25th Place (€5,200)

Apr 14, 2024

Photo: Ohad Freund

Peter Kovacs raises to 50,000 in the hijack before Ohad Freund moves all in for 325,000 in the cutoff. Alexey Mishuk reshoves for 390,000 in the small blind and Kovacs folds.

Ohad Freund: Diamond 8Club 8
Alexey Mishuk: Heart ASpade K

“Run it twice?” Freund jokes with Mishuk as the flop comes Heart 9Heart KHeart 2. Mishuk makes top pair, while also picking up the nut flush draw.

“One out,” Freund says. The turn is the Heart 3 and Mishuk makes his flush to leave Freund drawing dead heading to the Diamond 3 river.

The remaining 24 players are drawing for seats at the final three tables.

Peter Kovacs- 850,000 (34 bb)
Alexey Mishuk- 780,000 (31 bb)
Ohad Freund- eliminated in 25th place (€5,200)

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