Tamas Bozsoeny Eliminated by Dennis Gerschengoren in 32nd Place (€4,320)

Apr 14, 2024

Photo: Tamas Bozsoeny

Dennis Gerschengoren raises to 40,000 in middle position, then calls when Tamas Bozsoeny moves all in for 250,000 in the small blind.

Tamas Bozsoeny: Club AClub 6
Dennis Gerschengoren: Diamond ASpade J

The Diamond 9Diamond 6Club 9 flop gives Bozsoeny the lead, but Gerschengoren spikes the Heart J on the turn.

The river is the Spade 7 and Bozsoeny is sent to the rail.

Dennis Gerschengoren- 2,050,000 (103 bb)
Tamas Bozsoeny- eliminated in 32nd place (€4,320)

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