Metodi Peychev Drills the River to Double Thru Jenny Westerlund

Apr 14, 2024

Metodi Peychev
Photo: Metodi Peychev

About 200,000 is in the pot on a three-way flop of Spade KSpade 6Heart 2.

Lukasz Adamczewski checks his big blind to Jenny Westerlund who bets 40,000 from middle position. Metodi Peychev calls in the hijack and Adamczewski folds.

The turn brings the Club 7 and after Westerlund checks, Peychev bets 100,000. Westerlund check-raises to 250,000 and Peychev calls.

On the Diamond A river, Westerlund moves all in and Peychev snap-calls for his last 570,000.

Westerlund shows Heart 7Spade 7 for a turned set of sevens, but Peychev shows Spade AHeart A for a rivered set of aces to snatch the pot away with a two-outer on the river.

Metodi Peychev – 1,975,000 (98 bb)
Jenny Westerlund – 1,900,000 (95 bb)

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