Did Miscommunication Cost Gyula Pocsai?

Apr 14, 2024

From early position, Gyula Pocsai has placed a green T-25,000 chip across the betting line, which was interpreted as a single chip call, as four players behind him call the big blind of 12,000.

Pocsai argues that he wanted to raise, but the dealer and other players at the table claim that they heard no announcement of “raise” from Pocsai before the chip was placed forward.

As such, five players now see a flop of Spade KSpade 10Diamond 8.

Following checks from the blinds, Pocsai loudly announces “raise, bet” and spikes a bet of 35,000 in front of him. Only Yves Thalmann calls from middle position.

The turn is the Spade 5 and the players check to the Heart 8 river.

Following another check by Pocsai, Thalmann moves all in for 145,000. Pocsai uses a time bank chip and then calls to see Thalmann’s Spade ASpade 8.

Pocsai frustratedly shows his Diamond KHeart Q and sends the rest of the double up across the table to Thalmann.

Yves Thalmann – 432,000 (36 bb)
Gyula Pocsai – 310,000 (25 bb)

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