Dennis Gerschengoren Reviving His Stack

Apr 14, 2024

SXXII WPT Prime Slovakia
Photo: Dennis Gerschengoren

With about 60,000 in the middle and a completed board of Club KDiamond AHeart ASpade 8Heart 6, Pavel Chalupka bets 10,000 from the big blind.

Dennis Gerschengoren raises to 160,000 from early position and Chalupka thinks briefly before calling for about two-thirds of his stack.

Gerschengoren shows Diamond KHeart K for a flopped full house. Chalupka sends his cards to the muck as Gerschengoren drags another pot which has him solidly on the comeback trail after a rough start to the day.

Dennis Gerschengoren – 530,000 (53 bb)
Pavel Chalupka – 85,000 (8 bb)

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