Peter Vlcek Takes Huge Pot

Apr 13, 2024

Peter Muller opens to 16,000 from middle position and is met with a three-bet to 38,000 by Peter Vlcek on the button. Muller calls.

On the Heart 9Diamond AHeart 8 flop, Muller check-calls a bet of 25,000 from Vlcek.

The Heart 7 rolls off on the turn, and Muller again check-calls a bet of 51,000 from his opponent.

On the Heart 5 river, Muller moves all in and Vlcek snap-calls, much to the anguish of Muller.

Vlcek shows Heart QSpade 8 for the rivered queen-high flush, while Muller has Spade ASpade 10 for a pair of aces. Vlcek scoops a huge pot and Muller is left on fumes.

Peter Vlcek – 434,000 (54 bb)
Peter Muller – 52,000 (6 bb)

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