Laszlo Burany Doubles Off Christos Vettas Boat Over Boat

Apr 13, 2024

Photo: Laszlo Burany

With around 60,000 in the pot on a board of Diamond 4Heart 2Club 7Spade 6, Laszlo Burany bets 45,000 from under the gun and Christos Vettas calls on the button.

The river is the Diamond 7 and Burany bets 48,000. Vettas then moves all in and Burany snap-calls for 78,000.

“Full house,” Vettas says, showing Spade 7Spade 2.

“Better full house,” Burany replies as he turns over Heart 7Heart 6 to win the pot and double up.

Laszlo Burany- 310,000 (78 bb)
Christos Vettas- 30,000 (8 bb)

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