Dorjan Ushe Doubles Through Yasen Dichev

Apr 13, 2024

Dorjan Ushe opens to 2,600 in middle position and Daniel Nagy calls on the button.

Yasen Dichev reaches for chips in the small blind and produces a three-bet to 15,000.

After some thought, Ushe moves all in for 31,800. Nagy gets out of the way and Dichev makes the quick call, with Ushe at risk.

Dorjan Ushe:Heart QDiamond Q
Yasen Dichev:Spade AClub J

Ushe is in great shape for a double up and it is confirmed on the Club KSpade JDiamond 5Club QDiamond K runout, Ushe taking the pot with a set of queens.

Dorjan Ushe – 63,600 (53 bb)
Yasen Dichev – 50,000 (41 bb)
Daniel Nagy – 42,000 (35 bb)

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