Ivan Banovic Finds an Ace to Bust Matyas Milos

Apr 13, 2024

Ivan Banovic three-bets to 11,000 in the cutoff before Matyas Milos four-bets to 24,000 in early position. Banovic then moves all in and Milos calls for around 55,000.

Matyas Milos: Spade KHeart K
Ivan Banovic: Diamond AHeart K

Milos shows down kings and is poised for a double up until the Heart 10Spade 4Heart A flop gives Banovic top pair. The rest of the board comes Club 8Diamond 7 and Banovic wins the pot to send Milos to the rail.

Ivan Banovic- 140,000 (117 bb)
Matyas Milos- eliminated

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