Zoltan Vrancsik Traps Marcel Buttko

Apr 13, 2024

Marcel Buttko raises to 2,000 in the cutoff and gets three-bet to 4,300 by Zoltan Vrancsik on the button. Buttko calls from his relatively short stack and the duo go to the flop.

It comes Diamond JDiamond 10Heart 4 and after a check from Buttko, Vrancsik bets 1,800. Buttko calls and the Spade 9 comes on the turn.

After another Buttko check, Vrancsik now checks back.

On the Spade K river, Buttko moves all in for just under 10,000 and Vrancsik snap calls him with the second nuts, holding Club KClub Q.

Buttko tosses his Heart AHeart 7 to the muck and departs the table as the pot is pushed to Vrancsik.

Zoltan Vrancsik – 97,000 (121 bb)
Marcel Buttko – eliminated 

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