Tamas Bozsoeny Shoves on Lukas Pazma

Apr 12, 2024

Tamas Bozsoeny and Lukas Pazma build a pot of around 8,000 as they go heads-up to a flop of Heart 9Diamond 8Spade A.

Both players check to the Spade J turn where Pazma bets 6,000 from the hijack. Bozsoeny then moves all in for 26,500 on the button.

Pazma tanks for more than a minute but ultimately folds as Pazma takes the pot.

Robert Saffran just eliminated Attila Zab at another table, winning a race with queens against ace-king to end Zab’s wild ride the past few minutes.

Robert Saffran- 120,000 (100 bb)
Tamas Bozsoeny- 40,000 (33 bb)
Lukas Pazma- 25,000 (21 bb)
Attila Zab- eliminated

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