Riahad Ben Farhat Eliminated by Hyeongseok Gong

Apr 12, 2024

Photo: Hyeongseok Gong

Hyeongseok Gong has a raise to 3,500 in front of him from early position as Emil Bise calls in the cutoff, as does Michal Nahlik on the button. Riahad Ben Farhat then moves all in for 7,000 under the gun and Gong reraises to 15,500. The rest of the table quickly folds.

Riahad Ben Farhat: Club 5Club 3
Hyeongseok Gong: Spade AClub Q

“I never lose with this hand. Maybe three years ago,” Ben Farhat says as the Diamond 5Heart KClub 6 flop gives him a pair. The turn is the Diamond A and Gong makes top pair, while the Heart 7 comes on the river to send Ben Farhat to the rail.

Hyeongseok Gong- 50,000 (83 bb)
Michal Nahlik- 20,000 (33 bb)
Emil Bise- 45,000 (75 bb)

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