Robert Saffran Takes Four-Way Pot

Apr 12, 2024

Three players limp in before Zlatko Sunjic raises to 700 in the big blind. All three opponents calls.

The Diamond QClub KHeart 7 flop is checked through and Peter Krajnyak leads out for 1,000 from the small blind on the Spade 8 turn. Sunjic and Robert Saffran on the button call.

The Club 5 river is again checked and Krajnyak shows Spade JDiamond 8 for a pair of eights. Sunjic mucks, but Saffran turns over Heart QDiamond 9 for a pair of queens to win the pot.

Robert Saffran- 45,000  (225 bb)
Peter Krajnyak- 35,000 (175 bb)
Zlatko Sunjic- 42,000 (221 bb)

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