Rupert Elder Felted by Cooler to Stoyan Kitanov

Apr 12, 2024

SXXII WPT Prime Slovakia
Photo: Stoyan Kitanov

Following an early position raise, Stoyan Kitanov three-bets to 7,000 from the hijack. Rupert Elder is in the small blind and he four-bets all in for approximately 50,000.

The original raiser folds but Kitanov calls with Elder slightly covered to create a massive six-figure pot.

Rupert Elder: Diamond AClub A
Stoyan Kitanov: Spade KClub K

The flop comes clean for Elder, falling Diamond 8Club 4Diamond 3, but the Heart K hits the turn giving Kitanov a shocking stranglehold on the hand.

The Spade 7 completes the board and after the stacks are counted down, it’s confirmed that Elder had slightly less, sending him to the rail for a second time on Friday.

Stoyan Kitanov – 105,000
Rupert Elder – eliminated

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