Mate Nagy Good at Showdown

Apr 12, 2024

Yaron Malki opens to 900 from the cutoff and receives calls from Mate Nagy and Arkadiusz Liszewski in the blinds.

The Heart KSpade QSpade 6 flop is checked through by all players.

The Spade 3 rolls off on the turn and action is checked to Malki, who puts out a bet of 2,200. Nagy calls, Liszewski folds.

The river brings the Spade 10 and is checked by both players.

Nagy asks “Do you have a spade?” as he turns over Diamond QHeart 10 for the rivered two pair, which causes Malki to muck his hand, after flashing the Club K.

Mate Nagy – 47,000 (117 bb)
Yaron Malki – 47,000 (117 bb)
Arkadiusz Liszewski – 40,000 (100 bb)

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