Manuel Fernandez Eliminated by Sebastian Schulze

Apr 11, 2024

SXXII WPT Prime Slovakia
Photo: Manuel Fernandez

On a flop of Heart 10Heart 8Spade 4 and 28,000 in the middle, Sebastian Schulze and Manuel Fernandez exchange bets and raises until Fernandez is all in and at risk for his last 71,000.

Manuel Fernandez: Spade ADiamond 10
Sebastian Schulze: Heart KHeart 9

Fernandez’s tens need to fade Schulze’s flush draw, and then more as the Club 7 falls on the turn to give Schulze an added straight draw.

The Spade J hits the river, bringing in that straight to drop the field to it’s final four.

Sebastian Schulze – 400,000
Manuel Fernandez – eliminated

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