Rostyslav Sabishchenko Doubles Through David Vedral

Apr 11, 2024

Action folds to David Vedral on the button, who opens to 6,000, only to be faced with an all-in three-bet jam of 24,500 from Rostyslav Sabischenko in the big blind. Vedral makes the quick call to put Sabischchenko at risk.

Rostyslav Sabishchenko:Club AClub J
David Vedral:Diamond KSpade Q

Sabishchenko is in good shape for a double-up, and the runout of Diamond AHeart 5Heart 6Spade 8Spade 6 confirms it with a pair of aces.

Rostyslav Sabishchenko – 56,500 (19 bb)
David Vedral – 78,000 (26 bb)

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