Thomas Rauhe Busts Ersin Sancak

Apr 11, 2024

Ersin Sancak opens to 2,800 from early position and is met with a three-bet to 9,000 from Thomas Rauhe in the next seat.

Action folds back to Sancak, who promptly announces he is all-in for around 40,000. After a brief period of thought, Rauhe makes the call, with Sancak at risk.

Ersin Sancak:Spade 7Heart 7
Thomas Rauhe:Club AHeart K

Sancak is ahead in a race with his pair of sevens, but the Spade QDiamond KDiamond 2 flop propels Rauhe into the lead with a pair of kings, and nothing changes on the Diamond 10Heart 9 turn and river, sending Sancak to the exit.

Thomas Rauhe – 173,000 (173bb)
Ersin Sancak – eliminated

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