Jeffrey Hubbell Doubles Off Mikael Groenvik

Apr 11, 2024

Photo: Jeffrey Hubbell

Jeffrey Hubbell and Mikael Groenvik build a pot of around 9,000 as they go heads-up to the turn with the board showing Diamond 5Spade 6Heart 8Spade J. Hubbell then bets 3,000 from the hijack, Groenvik raises to 10,000 in middle position, and Hubbell calls.

The river is the Spade 3 and Groenvik moves all in. Hubbell quickly calls for his last 12,300 and Groenvik turns over Diamond ADiamond 7 for a missed straight draw.

Hubbell shows Diamond QSpade Q to win the pot and earn an early double up.

Jeffrey Hubbell- 55,000 (183 bb)
Mikael Groenvik- 25,000 (83 bb)

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