Jeroen Koers Doubles Through Rens Boerke; Boerke doubles Through Vasyl Vasylyshyn

Mar 21, 2024

Denis Karakashi raises to 100,000 from under the gun, Rens Boerke three bets to 340,000 and in the big blind, Jeroen Koers moves all in for 890,000 which sees only Boerke call. 

Jeroen Koers: Club KDiamond K
Rens Boerke: Diamond ASpade Q

The board runs out Club 5Club 9Heart 2Heart 10Heart 8 and the kings hold up for Koers to double. 

Two hands later, Vasyl Vasylyshyn raises to 100,000 from under the gun and Boerke defends his big blind. 

The flop rolls out Heart 6Heart 4Diamond 2 and Boerke checks to Vasylyshyn who bets 80,000. Boerke moves all in for 470,000 and Vasylyshyn calls. 

Rens Boerke: Diamond 8Diamond 7
Vasyl Vasylyshyn: Club KClub 4

The board runs out Club 8Spade 5 and the straight is good for Boerke to double up at the expense of Vasylyshyn. 

Vasyl Vasylyshyn – 7,900,000 (158 bb)
Jeroen Koers – 1,855,000 (37 bb)
Rens Boerke – 1,100,000 (22 bb)

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